What does it mean to find our own True Voice Power?  

In my lifetime of voice work with top voice gurus, performance experts and spiritual teachers, I’ve undertaken a journey that has led me home to my true voice.  I’ve spent a lifetime learning how to transcend the fear that holds us back from our highest power and the top secrets of impactful performances. I’ve come full circle from singing and speaking in a place of self judgement and fear to a place where I rest completely centered within my highest self.  Sure, I still get excited when I’m onstage, but I know how to center quickly and rock the audition, performance or speech. And I know the performance tools that engage our audiences each and every time.

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JOY Lies Within You

Listen to the Voice Within

Open Your Heart

Find Your True Calling

Connect to the Source of all Love

Serve others with Freedom and JOY

Rock the Stage


So how do we really do all this?  

It’s my greatest JOY to share the sacred and scientific tools I use and practice every day.  It’s my deepest calling to help my students awaken to their True Voice Power. Only when we sing and speak from this place of Inspired Power and Skill, can we serve others and reach our highest potential.

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